Dear Friends, If you’re thinking about listing your home and you’re not sure which agent to list with, may I suggest that you list with Albert Rassam? While it might not seem that the listing agent matters, let me tell you – it does. Not all situations are alike. You may need to sell quickly, you may want to get the highest price even if it takes a bit longer, you might want to do improvements to reduce sales time but aren’t sure what will matter. Trust Albert. I listed my home with two other agents before him and neither understood my unique situation. They both used similar strategies they had used with every other client when the real estate business was Robust… and they both panicked when a quick sale didn’t happen. Albert was patient. We worked the game plan together, and he gave wise counsel along the way. We did some practical updating, tweaked the plan as we went along and we hit my goals. Most importantly, we sold my home for more than my prior agents thought possible. Across the homes and states I’ve lived in, there are only two agents I’ve done business with whom I trust implicitly, and in New Jersey, Albert is it. If you want a listing in the MLS and a sign in the yard, you can get that anywhere. If you want a trusted professional and loyal partner, you want Albert.

Oradell, NJ
Apr 18, 2016 14:43

Jack Lynn