We used DK to purchase and sell our property in Invermere. We found her to be an extremely phony person and she never went out of her way to do anything for us. After we purchased our home through her we received a Royal LePage notepad as a gift from her with her name and advertising on the notepad. Shortly after we purchased our home we recognized DK at the Copper Point Golf Course patio wile having lunch. We walked by her table and smiled at her and she totally snubbed us. We were good enough to talk to when we had our place listed with her but she didn't have the time of day for us once the deal was done. Once we were seated on the patio we asked the waiter if he knew the blonde lady sitting a few table down and he said "yes, that's Rice"! We just wanted to confirm that we had the right person because we could not believe she would snub us after using her as our realtor. If there's a next time we would definitely find a different realtor in Invermere that appreciated out business

Buying and Selling
Not Successful
Invermere, BC
May 2021
Aug 08, 2021 19:23

Darren Petersen