

What is Heartache2Hope?

Heartache2Hope is an organization providing support and education to people who are grieving the death of a loved one due to suicide. Heartache2Hope is a Halton-based registered charity that offers a variety of services to meet the needs of individuals after a death from suicide. We are a team of dedicated professionals and specially trained Peer Support volunteers who work together to bring suicide loss support and education to our community and surrounding regions. Heartache2Hope suicide loss support groups include 12-week, psycho-educational Closed Support Groups that run three times yearly. Our Open Groups (or drop-in sessions) are offered twice monthly and provide continued support to past participants of our closed programs or individuals unable to commit to a 12-week group. All our groups are held during the work week, in the evening, 6:30-8:30pm. Our support groups are a safe place for anyone impacted by suicide loss to find healing and connection with other suicide loss grievers. We have found that group participation tends to be overwhelming for grievers until some time after their loss has elapsed, so we also offer Individual grief support sessions that may be with a trained Peer Supporter or with a professional staff member, depending on need. We now also offer specialized Trauma Therapy (EMDR) for individuals struggling with the impact of finding the deceased. Our vision is that no one touched by suicide stands alone. Our goals are to break the isolation felt by people impacted by suicide and to assist with healing through nurturing, supportive care and education.

Cities served include Oakville.

Total Verified Contributions: $100



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17 reviews
Total donations by Kim Melhuish to Heartache2Hope: $100
  • Gave to Heartache2Hope on Jun 15, 2022

  • Gave $100 to Heartache2Hope on Sep 30, 2023