We have used Kirsten for the sale and purchase of our last two homes and we’ll use her next time we need those services as well! The market is nuts right now and while our home sold on the first day for well over ask (which was awesome!) actually being the high bidder on a new home was a challenge and we lost hope a few times as there was very little on the market and each time something came up we were one of upwards of 19 bidders! But with Kirsten’s support, expertise, and quick response and action times we got our dream home for well within our budget. In this market that is no easy task!! Kirsten’s marketing is top notch and she knows what sells and helps you point out things in a new home that will need work, and she has contacts that can help you with that! Her team is so amazing and helpful and when you hire Kirsten you get her whole awesome team. Kirsten also referred me to a new broker who was amazing and honestly made that side of things so much less stressful than they were with our previous broker. We count ourselves fortunate that we were referred to Kirsten by our previous realtor when she was retiring and we would happily refer her to any of our friends and family.

Victoria, BC
Jul 2021
May 18, 2021 20:04

olivia bertrand