It was a pleasure working with Ryan while buying my first home. Admittedly I was skeptical about all stages of the process and had lots of questions. Ryan was able to answer these continual and often nuanced questions, always making sure I was satisfied and understood the answers. Ryan walked the fine line between giving his honest (and accurate!) opinion when I needed it, while also giving me space to make my own decisions. When it comes to responsiveness and booking viewings, Ryan is uncannily fast. This was a requirement in the current market, and ultimately facilitated my successful purchase. When it came to reviewing documents and drafting offers, which we certainly did a lot of over the multiple months it took me to make a purchase, Ryan caught multiple issues within the often large mess of paperwork. While initially skeptical, it did not take long before I knew Ryan was looking out for my best interests. All in all, Ryan is principled, patient, and thoughtful, he went above and beyond what I initially expected, and was a pleasure to work with not just as a realtor, but as a person.

Condo / Apartment
Fairfield, Victoria, BC
Apr 2022
May 16, 2022 12:29
