Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Waterloo Wellington

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Waterloo Wellington

What is Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Waterloo Wellington?

CMHA WW provides mental health, addictions, and developmental programs & services to children, youth and adults across Waterloo-Wellington. Local CMHA branches have been in operation since 1961. We offer a wide-range of services from children’s mental health and developmental services, to adult counselling and treatment, eating disorders, first step psychosis, team-based care for those with complex mental health needs, housing, employment, mental health promotion and education, as well as mental health and intensive geriatric supports for seniors. CMHA WW inspires and supports people to achieve the quality of life that they desire. This could mean crisis support from the Here 24/7 line (we are the lead agency for Here 24/7 and front door to access mental health services), Mental Health Education and Promotion – providing training and information sessions to people in the community to increase their knowledge about mental health, supporting children, parents, daycares and the education system through our mental health and developmental services, intensive mental health supports for adults, including peer support. Our diverse services are provided by community workers, social workers, psychologists, nurses, psychiatrists, early childhood educators and child and youth workers.

Cities served include Cambridge.

Total Verified Contributions: $750



37 reviews
Total donations by Elyse Bouwmeester to Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Waterloo Wellington: $750
  • Gave $750 to Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Waterloo Wellington on Dec 31, 2022