Carol Turnbull
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Address 675 Adelaide St N
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We haven't completed the transaction yet. I am sceptical we will. Ms Turnbull is the least useful agent I have ever had the misfortune of encountering. She faxed a sign-back offer after it was already expired. She got important details wrong: at one point, she asked me to deal with the vendor's bank -- which was unprofessional enough, except that she also had _the wrong bank_. She asked our agent to lie to her clients about her presence at the property when we visited. I have grave doubts that her client even saw one of the offers we put together. Several important details, including a special assessment on the property and significant work that had been done on the house, were not available as part of the listing. In short, Ms Turnbull is a lousy agent. I would discourage anyone from listing an outhouse with her, never mind a substantial property. I normally think the word "unprofessional" is misused to mean something like "I don't like that person," but in this case it's exactly right: Ms Turnbull does not do any of the things that a professional Realtor ought to do. I will avoid her and her brokerage like the plague, and in the event she has a listing for a property I want in the future, I will avoid looking at that property just so I don't have to deal with her again. Note that I didn't even have to speak with her directly in most cases: it was my poor agent who had to do.

London, ON

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