Fatima Da Costa
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Fatima Da Costa My rating for agent Fatima Da Costa who is an agent at Royal LePage. My rating is not for the Royal LePage company but this particular agent. I bought a house that Fatima Da Costa was an agent of and upon closing, I found that the window blinds which were listed in the contract as included, missing from the house. I have also found another item missing that was taken by the sellers. Upon contacting agent Fatima by my agent to inform her that these items were missing, the respond was “these items were removed before the listing of the house” which is not true as both my agent and myself seeing those items before putting the offer. Now, the lawyer suggested that "pursue a claim against the seller". I can't afford missing work for that so I am going to have to buy new blinds. But my suggestion to you is that "Don’t buy a house from this agent unless you really cover all angles". She only cares at the commission at the end of the day. - Rihab

June 06, 2016

Brampton, ON

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