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Success Ratio 100 %
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In 2009 my Husband and I decided to take a leap of faith and move to Fort McMurray, Alberta from Whitehorse, Yukon. We called Fort McMurray home for 13 years and are greatful and thankful for our time there. In 2022 we decided to take another leap of faith and make the move to Waterford, Ontario. It was an opportunity to be closer to family which is incredibly important for us. We have chosen Waterford as our home for us and our children and enjoy everything that this community and neighbouring communities offer! My Family and I love being active members of the community whether through sports, attending one of the many community events and volunteering with the numerous charities. My previous background is paralegal and administration. My passion for Real Estate developed during my time as an Unlicensed Assistant for a busy Real Estate Team (Team O’Hara) in 2009. Just two years later I became a licensed agent and I have loved working in Real Estate ever since! The process of relocating to a new area and in turn buying and selling my own properties, has afforded me a sensitivity towards my clients’ journey. Understanding all the events that can come with Buying and Selling a home and working to make that process as stress free as possible!

Heather was an excellent realtor to partner with. She was always accessible and was a great communicator. She was very easy to work with and her good work ethic was obvious. Her advice on hints to help sell our home were invaluable and helpful. Through the sale process she was a great advocate and ensured that our interests were well represented while ensuring the integrity of the sale process. I would not hesitate to use her again or recommend her to a friend. - Elvin Petersen

April 19, 2021

Fort McMurray, AB
Apr 2021

Elvin Petersen
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