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We have sold and purchased multiple properties, several even within the last few years. We have had excellent experiences and bad experiences - and accept this occurs in all professions. Our experiences with Rod however went beyond bad they were horrible - the worst we have every had in all our years of buying and selling real estate. We had to come up with all the ideas (e.g. splitting the property into two lots), and provide information about the value of the property as he wanted us to list if for way under market value. He allowed buyers with a conditional contract access to our property and as well as make changes to our property without any communication to us about this, despite being expected to pay half. He did not represent our concerns to the buyer or the buyers agent, simply passing their messages on to us - acting as a conduit versus representing our best interest. He was scared to do anything that would put the deal at risk of falling through. We did not get answers to our questions when we called him on his unprofessional and unethical conduct just excuses. When we took this to the broker, Marty, he simply did the same thing. They did not fulfill their duties under their ethical code which we researched and sent to them. This was a waste of time. We try to remember the good experiences we have had with ethical and service orientated realtors - two over the last year were amazing with other properties - rather than focus on this really awful experience. We hope that others will benefit from our experience. - CDW

April 19, 2017

Comox, BC

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