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Our experience with Mona Lisa may be unique but I feel I should post it; I would not want anyone to go through what we endured during the sale of our house. She was so friendly and confident before the signing of our contract with her that we were drawn in and had no idea what was to come. Mona Lisa did manage to sell our house but there were many “hiccups” (and extension after extension) along the way and it felt as if she was working for the buyer and not for us. She found only one buyer and would not put much effort in continuing to sell once this buyer expressed an interest in the property. As it turns out, she was working for the buyer as a double agent which means she didn’t have to work too hard and received the full commission. Somehow, even though we hired her, she penned the deal so that we paid every penny of the closing costs and the buyer got a great deal on our house at our expense. She knew we had moved out of town and hiring another realtor was virtually impossible. We constantly prodded her for information about the sale and where we were in the process but rarely received updates. I can only assume that Mona Lisa put so little effort into our case because our house was not in the million-dollar range. Maybe we choose a realtor who specializes in homes priced much higher than the one we were selling. Maybe she should have told us that she would not be the best choice for our location/price range. I understand that this is just our perception of the case but when you are selling a house from out of town, you truly need a realtor in whom you have the utmost confidence. We did not experience that with Mona Lisa. - Charles

July 28, 2018

Tulsa, OK

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