Ricky Chadha
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Success Ratio 100 %
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We sold our house in Toronto 2 months after our daughter was born. We also have a 2.5 year old so you can imagine life is pretty hectic! Ricky was everything we wanted and needed him to be - open, honest, responsive and extremely professional. He walked us through the process, gave us helpful suggestions and assistance in getting our house ready for sale, kept us in the loop in terms of appointments, showings and feedback and most importantly, helped us put a SOLD sign in front of our house a week after listing it. I think one thing that was especially telling to us was that one agent for a potential buyer told us that we were lucky to have such a professional, communicative agent and that from her perspective, it had been a pleasure to work with him! If you are thinking about selling, we wouldn't hesitate to recommend Ricky. Call him - you won't be sorry!

Toronto, ON

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