Sohel Ingar
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Company HomeLife Galaxy
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Address 301-111 Grangeway Ave
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Sohel exceeded all our expectations as a realtor. His expertise and patience guided us seamlessly through the process of buying our first home. What sets Sohel apart is his lack of pushiness and his patience; he genuinely cared about finding the perfect fit for us. His professionalism and responsiveness to any questions we had instilled confidence in this process for us. We would highly recommend Sohel and will be referring him to our network of family/friends. - Ahmed Shethwala

February 26, 2024

House / Single-Family
Dec 2024

Ahmed Shethwala
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We went through this realtor to buy an assignment condo. After three weeks of back and forth with our lawyer’s office (because Sohel Ingar did not know how to complete forms correctly), we were at the signing stage of the agreement. We had taken funds out of our investments to pay for this purchase. At 1pm, 5 hours before the agreemen expired, SOHEL Ingar of Home Life Galaxy Realty backed out. He told us the sellers changed their minds. As it turns out, SOHEL and his brother Mohammed were the sellers! He wasted our time, gave us false hope and we incurred a $1,750 legal fee as well as lost investment income and losing out on two other condos we were also interested in. He turned out to be a liar and an untrustworthy agent. We believe he had sold this condo to another party for more money. The reason why we believe this is because even after we had the legal documents ready for signing, he still refused to remove his online ad. We strongly recommend NOT USING THIS AGENT. He is dishonest and greedy. We reported him to his office, Home Life Galaxy Realty as he wanted us to pay $1500 towards their ‘fee’ even though it was a private purchase! DO NOT TRUST! - Ling Lamb

June 04, 2018

Reply:    Hi Ling, I agree you did not have a good experience with this transaction. However, I do not feel your comments correctly reflect the whole picture or the service I provided in my role as a sales representative. You posted a wanted ad on Kijiji for a unit in the building in which my brother and I jointly held a unit. At the time of posting my ad, I noticed your ad and contacted you to see if you were interested in our unit. From the very start, I disclosed to you that I was a real estate sales representative, and I had a joint interest in the property. This was not a kept secret or hidden from you in any way. I asked you if you were working with another sales representative, you informed me that you were not. At this point, I told you that I could help draft the offer forms for you for a fee of $1,500. You agreed to accept my service. It is important to make note here that in the service agreement I sent to you, I made it clear that this $1,500 would only become payable once the seller accepts the offer. So even though I would spend my time to draft the offer for you, if the seller did not accept the offer, you would not have to pay me for my time and efforts. This is very fair in my opinion. Furthermore, when your offer was not accepted, me or my brokerage did not ask you to pay the fees even though I did prepare all forms necessary for the offer. You will also agree, that when we were determining a price, I offered you a much lower price than the price this unit could potentially sell for. This again, was done because you were not working with a real estate sales representative, and so the sellers would not be paying a co-operating commission. In fact, the discount in price was much more than what the co-operating commission would have been had it been paid. I agree that I worked with your lawyer in drafting the forms. However, it was not because I did not know how to complete the forms. Once I initially drafted the offer and sent it to your lawyer, he suggested that we add additional clauses to schedule A of the agreement for your (buyer’s) protection. These conditions are optional and vary from agreement to agreement. It all depends on what sort of clauses the buyer would like to add. This does not mean I did not know how to complete the forms. Once the offer was finalized, I sent it to your son, who was the actual buyer (this was known to me from the beginning, I am not implying it was a surprise). I received the signed offer at approximately 3:35 pm. There was approximately 26.5 hours left for me to present it to the seller and have them sign it. I immediately forwarded the offer to the sellers for their review, who forwarded it to their lawyer for review. It does take time for the lawyer to review and discuss with the sellers. After the sellers discussed the offer with their lawyers, one of the sellers decided they were no longer interested in selling the unit. I contacted your son immediately after I found out, and informed him of it. This was at approximately 12:54 pm. Given the limited time between when the signed offer was received from your son, and when the offer was irrevocable until, it did end up being that it was only 5 hours before the expiry time of the offer. But this again was due to the limited time available. The condo unit was not sold to any other party. We are still the current owners, and have since removed our ad. It is important to point out that when any property is listed for sale, until an offer is accepted and firm, the ad/listing is not removed, as the property is not actually sold yet. Therefore, by me not removing the ad while we working on the offer does not mean that I was greedy and seeking other buyers willing to offer a higher price. Matter of fact, I did disclose to you that I received calls from other real estate sales representatives offering $15,000 more than what you were offering; but because I was already working with you on an offer, I turned those offers down. As a seller with interest in the property, I did not have to do that. If my brother and I were greedy, we would have gone for the other offer since your offer was not actually received or accepted yet. I believe this speaks to my integrity, honesty and openness during the transaction. Also, I would like to reiterate, that your offer was never signed and accepted by the sellers; therefore, we as sellers did not back out from an agreement, because an offer was never accepted. Furthermore, because an offer was not accepted by the seller, the brokerage nor me asked you to pay the $1,500 fee for the preparation of the forms. I believe the above explanation is a more detailed and unbiased version of our interaction. From the perspective of a real estate sales representative, my service was never dishonest. It was unfortunate that one of the sellers decided the he no longer wanted to seller the unit. But this was not my fault as a sales representative, and should not be reflected negatively on the service I provide. I wish you and your son luck in finding the right home. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. - Sohel Ingar
Reply:    That’s pretty rich of you to state our offer was not accepted when we went through almost three weeks of back and forth with our lawyer and yourself. You completed a schedule incorrectly and our lawyer had to amend it a few times. Your math was incorrect with figures mixed up on lines so they didn’t read correctly. As well, you keep saying the ‘sellers refused our offer” implying the sellers are a separate entity from yourself. You are the seller. You agreed to the price offered by telephoning me to settle on a sale price in between what we were willing to pay vs what you were willing to sell for. At no time did you imply the ‘other seller was not interested in selling’. That is why we went through the expense of a lawyer. That is why we removed funds from investments. Finally, that is why we turned down two other properties of high interest. So please do not insult my intelligence by fabricating a variance to what actually happened. You backed out and informed us with under 6 hours remaining in the written offer. Either way, you have tainted our experience with assignments while verifying what we felt all along. Your kind cannot be trusted.

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Toronto, ON

Ling Lamb
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