James Jian Wang
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Never do business with this guy!!! He does not know the market at all. He will not give you any suggestions to you, and will never help you to negotiate with price. All he wants to do is to make you sell/buy property as quick as possible so he can move to next client. He was dealing our selling and buying. When he sell our property, he always says the buyer's price was relatively good, and never gave us a detailed description why the price is relatively good. All his excuses is the price is close to our price, but never thought we could sell it higher. After selling, he deal with our buying, which is even worse. During listing searching process, all he did is asking us which area we want to buy. No suggestions, no detailed analysis. It is all our call. And then just give us a long list of houses with almost no filtering. We have to search for the each house details and do comparing. After months of show in. We made a decision. Same as selling, during buying process, he always convince us to give a price a higher as possible. It was a buyer's market, tons of house listed over there. And he told us, the market started being hot, and many buyers were bidding for houses already! When we deciding the price for the house we wanted to buy, he always said the ower put a lot in renovation, and the house itself it really good, and the owner had reduced the price 2 times (while the listing price was still much higher than others). Luckily, we realized at the last minutes and mutual released the offer, then stopped buying with him. And we were not suiprized, that the house we wanted to buy was finally sold on a price that 60K lower than ours. - Nick

August 21, 2018

Not Successful
Toronto, ON

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