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I'd rate 1 star. Rachel started out great, but once we decided to go forward and purchase a house, it felt like she began to rush the process. When doing the final walkthrough of the house, it felt very rushed, and she kept arguing when we pointed out areas of the house that looked like obvious evidence that the sellers had clearly not had the house professionally cleaned, which was supposed to be part of the sale agreement. We trusted that she would ensure that the sellers had properly done everything they were supposed to, and that we could trust her when she told us that something was in good working condition or was clean despite looking our concerns. But once I moved in and took a closer look at things, I was disappointed by what I found. A few examples of this include: • In regards to the house's cleanliness during the final walkthrough she insisted the house cleanliness was fine. And when we pointed out some very questionable yellow areas on the window sills, blinds, vents etc. and she insisted it was merely sun damage. But when I moved in and began to clean, I discovered that these yellow areas were not sun damage, and were in fact layers upon layers of cat urine. • Another issue was when we voiced concerns about the basement's bathtub, as the owners had not taken care of anything and the tub appeared very dirty, but Rachel insisted that the tub was fine and would work perfectly fine. We trusted her and so we didn't push the subject further, despite still being unsure about the condition of the bathtub. Upon moving in I unfortunately found that the tub was not in good condition, was filthy and that it will need to be replaced. • Another part of the agreement included that the sellers pay for and install custom fitted window screens for the basement windows. At first it did appear that they had purchased and installed proper screens on the windows when we did the final walkthrough, but as soon as it rained I discovered that the sellers had in fact not purchased custom fitted screens, they instead used old ones (no idea where from) that were too small, and in order to make them "fit" they used layers of double sided foam tape. The rain caused the foam to fall off and the screens fell out. We are absolutely disappointed with her services. We trusted that she would help us with understanding the process and making sure everything went well, and as such we didn't want to argue with her as we trusted that she would have our best interests in mind. In summary, we do not reccomend doing business with Rachel Bonney. - Ryan

May 10, 2024

House / Single-Family
Apr 2023

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